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Sporting Good Posture

RED ALERT: Immunity Behind the Masks

RED ALERT: We interrupted the usual programming because of the 2020 pandemic. Join Dr “Coach” Marghella in his special episode with the latest in immunity in this must-hear episode. Dr Marghella covers what real immunity is made of and why you may be fearful of disease, more prone and susceptible to it and what your body should be able to do about it, why it’s not and how you can proof it up against future occurrence. Join Coach NOW for this CRUCIAL and VITAL episode!

How to “Out-Flu” the Flu, Creating Year-Round Wellness!

Coach Marghella delineates his secret formula on how he stays and keeps his patients in a high-resistance, flu–free state of wellness and all the tricks and hacks you can use to create year-round wellness for yourself. Find out why the colder months make you more prone and what you can do to change turn the tables on seasonal illnesses. Learn what simple daily measures you can take throughout the year, especially in summer that will proof you up to the max against any looming illnesses in the off-season. Make your “off-season” your best season ever. Listen in now!

SPECIAL: Coach Marghella Challenge – Putting Himself Thru YOUR Program!

Not wanting to be a hypocrite in his teachings and treatment, Coach Marghella starts a work-out, lipolaser and Chiropractic regimen to live up to what he advises everyone else to do and the results have been ASTOUNDING. Tune in, get inspired, learn and grab some of the results for yourself. Tune in now to hear this pivotal episode and stay tuned for more in the series!

The Beach LIVE! Coach Reports Live from the Beach on “Grounding” Therapy

Join Coach M as he reports live from vacation right on the beach on a technique you can do anywhere called grounding, its importance to health and, yes, even the importance of taking a vacation. YES, HE’S RECOMMENDING IT FOR BETTER WELLNESS! Listen to his live report with ocean waves in the background and everything! A soothing yet informative episode! Tune in now!

The Chiropractor Who Cured Deafness, 124th Anniversary of Chiropractic

124 years ago the first Chiropractic adjustment was given and it cured a man’s deafness. It then went on to improve health and restore function to those who had nerve interference which caused digestive problems, pain, tension, and a host of other illnesses too.

What does this mean to you? Listen to what it meant to 9 of Dr Marghella’s patients in this celebratory and compelling episode on the power of the body to heal, not in Coach’s words, but in those of who he treats every day. Listen to their stories now and hear about the man who couldn’t hear who suddenly could!!

How to Pick Out the Best Shoe Inserts for YOUR Feet Only!

Fallen arches and other foot issues cause major problems including foot, hip, leg and even back pain and discomfort. Arch support can help but, because orthotic inserts come in so many shapes and sizes, how do you ever get the support you need? Listen to Coach as he details what the issues are, how everyone’s feet are different (including yours from left to right) and how to get the best support for you and you only, no matter what you do, and what types of footwear you sport. Get sporting good posture by knowing how to support your feet and what the best types of support are. Listen in now!

Posture of Smartphone Use – Tech Neck Syndrome

Did you know you spend upwards of a thousand hours per year hunched over and in front of electronic devices, computers, smartphones, tablets and more, and every single one of them is affecting your posture. But did your posture have issues before all the tech? In this day and age it’s more than likely. Join Coach as he takes you through the syndrome and how to self-check to spot the warning signs and what you can personally do to take control of it now, and have better posture for years to come. Listen in now!

Is Your Mattress Causing The Stress You Carry? Posture of Sleep Part 2

With overwhelming popularity of the Posture of Sleep episode (Season 2 Episode 5), Coach takes it a step further in what he calls “Posture of Sleep Part 2” where he gets into the very apparatus you sleep on: Your mattress and pillow. Are these devices causing you additional stress, poor sleep and pain and tension too? Listen as Coach M explains it all and leaves nothing to the imagination. Listen now to get better sleep tonight!

CBS NFL Sideline Reporter and Coach Marghella’s Patient, @Melanie_Collins

Join Coach Marghella in his compelling interview with CBS NFL sideline reporter, Melanie Collins as they tackle injuries, orthotic support and injury prevention, better sleep, controlling aging and performing at the top of your game whether as an athlete, a weekend warrior or, yes, even someone who sits at a desk for 8 hours a day. Listen in to what Coach called his best interview yet!