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Sporting Good Posture

“Miracle’ Weight Loss BEFORE New Year’s, Kept It Off For Good!

Is ‘Miracle, During-Holiday Weight Loss’ REALLY a Miracle if Anyone Can Do It?

What up sports, fitness and holiday eating fans, Coach Frank is here to clear up a rumor about what people are calling “holiday miracles” the last 3 holiday seasons at Ideal Health and Wellness Center. The rumors haven’t been spread by Coach Frank, and he wasn’t the one who called what happened miracles. But he confesses,, the rumors are true, confirmed by what the actual people who have experienced them have said. Want to know about what happened? Would you like to know how people managed to lose weight they couldn’t lose prior, and how they did it during the most difficult season of the year to do it? Are you curious how they made their weight goals on or before new years, how they eliminated the need to make new years resolutions and how they kept the weight off ever since? Does the idea of the possibility of losing weight during the most popular months of indulgence intrigue you? Well scrape off the defeatism and disappointment, and turn up the volume, because Coach is about to tell you just how these miracles have been happening, AND INCREASING IN VOLME, every Holiday season since, and how this year is already off to a record start. And he;s going to tell you all about how it happened and how anyone can do it too, even you, right here. So tune in now!

Your Body’s ‘Fat Factory’ Working Against You, How to Make It Work FOR You!

How to Put Your Internal Fat Factory Workers On Notice!

Want some EXTREMELY interesting news that just may help you quickly and permanently achieve your ideal weight and optimum fitness levels?

Does it seem like there’s a hidden force working against you when it comes to your weight?

What if you found out that there is a secret WORK FORCE… working in your body right now… and an entire factory relentlessly dedicated to the fat manufacturing business?

What if you learned how you’re actually the manager of this fat factory and that you’re unknowingly giving orders to the foreman to produce as much as possible?
You’d probably think it’s crazy, right?
But did you know your body has a secret OBSESSION to gain and retain weight, one that’s built right into your body’s design, blueprint and function, put there by nature? And, not knowing about it, you’re giving it all the motivation it needs, even if you think you’re eating healthy.
That would be something worth knowing, wouldn’t it?
Want to know what triggers this process and how it went haywire?
Would you like to learn how to take back control and whip its work force into shape and your body into shape too in the process?
How about learning how to take the surplus of this unwanted supply and sending it down your body’s “fat chute”, rejecting it and maybe laying off most of its workforce?

Well, in this episode, you’ll learn the secret that will unlock the possibilities to master this hidden force, and get it working FOR you not AGAINST you.
It’s clear that you’ve been weighed down… LITERALLY… by all the confusion surrounding this subject. So, forget so-called fat burning activities you’re engaged in for the moment because you and Coach Frank are gonna work together to shut down the fat factory and send it straight to the unemployment line.
Tune in now!!!

Secret of How to Lose Retained Weight, Fast and Permanently

What if you could not only lose weight permanently, but see the results in minutes?

What up sports fitness and rapid permanent weight loss fans? Coach Frank here in the studio with some VERY exciting news! You may have heard about the… “miracles” patients we have been mentioning these last three years, where they lost the weight between end of summer and the end of the year DURING the most difficult time of year to do it. AND, that they’ve kept it off ever since. Word got out about the 3 Secrets that made this possible and an increasing flood of people have been flowing in off the streets to take full advantage Doesn’t get any better than that, right?Wrong! It DOES get better because of some new technology that helps people rapidly reduce fat in MORE body areas in less time and even reaches their most trouble areas too. Wanna learn about what that is and how you can implement this into your OWN routine and the three secrets that make it possible? Well, get off the scale and turn off the treadmill, because you’re going to need to sit down to hear this… I’m going to reveal a secret to you that gives you INSTANT willpower to stick to a weight loss plan that will give you permanent results with no urge to quit because the results you’ll see INSTANTLY from doing this one thing. Wanna know all about it? Well, tune in now, because you’re about to get in on the secret, right here, right now!

Your Desk Doesn’t Cause Stress You Carry, But This Does…

Everyone thinks it’s their desk, chair or at-home spaces causing the stress they carry, until they find out that it’s really this other thing…

Do. you think your desk can cause that stress you carry? Think again… It doesn’t. Do you work? Does your workspace seem to cause the stress you carry in your neck, shoulders and back? Is your body suffering because “workstation syndrome” or “desk disorder” are real things? Well, if they were, wouldn’t every person who ever worked have the same symptoms you do?  Truthfully, the majority of people who work DON”T have these symptoms. So they must come from someplace else. A source so sinister, hidden and secret that it escapes your detection. But you have ONE GLARING SYMPTOM that puts the real source right in front of you, totally noticeable and obvious that you would never suspect it. Get ready to find out what that is and how to handle it. Join posture and ergonomics lecturer and screening expert Frank Sardella, creator and producer of the Sporting Good Posture digital radio talk show, as he guides you through the real problem, and not only reveals the real source but guides you on detecting the signs on yourself DURING THE EPISODE. This is an episode like no other for anyone who works from an office or home, and especially anyone who manages those who do. Tune in now and learn what you can do to drop that stress you carry at its source and start operating with the ideal function Nature intended by the very blueprint from which your body was designed! Press play, listen and learn how, right now!

Cookie Cutter Diets Fail, But This Works Permanently

The reason cookie-cutter diets fail is the solution to your weight problems. Learn how in just 15 minutes!

Every wonder why your friend lost weight and you copied their plan but it didn’t work? Puzzled why some people can lose weight easily while you struggle for every pound? Frustrated by slow or no weight loss? Have you lost weight but always put even more of it back on? Ever quit dieting because you didn’t see the results and it was taking too long? Well, It’s not you! Actually, you’ve been experiencing the “Cookie-Cutter Diet Effect” and cookie-cutter diets don’t work! In this episode, I am going to school you, in 15 minutes time, on what is wrong with cookie-cutter diet plans, why they don’t work and why your body actually gains, retains, loses and regains weight and what you can do to permanently lose the weight, feel better and maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your ife. Can you think of anything better to do with the next 15 minutes of your life? Tune in now and learn the secret I reveal in full in thiis pivotal episoide and escape the cookie-cutter, failure-bound diet roller coaster, while you lern how to get the body you always knew was possible that didn’t know how to get!

Weight Loss Slackers, Principle Strickland Says DISCIPLINE!

Sometimes You’re a Slacker Even When You’re Totally Motivated! Am I right?

You can’t be a slacker when it comes to weight loss! But, how do you avoid slacking when trying to lose weight? Why is it so hard to slim down and get fit? In all 3 Back to the Future movies, Principle Strickland (and Sherriff Strickland) had it all figured out: DISCIPLINE! And he wasn’t wrong. Often, people aren’t reallly slackers and don’t lack motivation, and even have a great capacity for discipline. But without this one factor of discipline itself, none of what you do matters, no matter how motivated you are, no matter how hard you try. Sound familiar? Want to know what this factor is? It’s so powerful it took Coach Frank 12 minutes to describe and the simplicity of it is astounding. That’s right… it’s EASY and SIMPLE to achieve the proper discipline to get to the ideal you, only if you know this one magic factor. And you’ll learn it, all inside of 15 minute run time. So, adjust the volume, get comfortable for the next 15 minutes, because your future is going to change. Healthy weight and fit, ideal and optimum body performance are just ahead. Tune in, listen and learn how now!

Bulging Discs More Common Than You Think, Coach Frank & Producer Frank Discuss Theirs

The bulging discs people are walking around with are so subtle, even when they’re in pain, they would never suspect, unless they know this…

Join us for this very special episode of Sporting Good Posture where I get my show producer Frank Sardella on the air with me and we discuss our surprise bulging disc cases that went so undetected, we didn’t even know we had them, but when we found out, it explained even the non-chronic pain and stress we carry in our neck, shoulders and back. Find out what we’re doing about it and why noting the subtle symptoms is key to screening yourself for any early warning signs to avoid them altogether or catch them before they become a real problem! Tune in now and find out!

Triggers of Weight Gain AND Weight Loss and Control Them!

If you knew what made your body make fat, and what made it burn it, wouldn’t you know how to lose it and keep it off?

Have you ever wondered what makes the body gain weight? Is it eating fat and accumulating it? NO! It’s a trigger and that trigger either makes your body go into the fat production business, making it a fat factory and storage facility, or it triggers fat burning. Can you learn to control the switch? You can if you know this secret. Learn in 7 minutes time howto turn off fat production and turn on fat burning. Wouldn’t that be worth it? I think so too! Tune in and learn, now!

Your Workstation Doesn’t Cause the Stress You Carry

If Work Stress Doesn’t Actually Come From Work, Where Does It Come From?

Do you carry stress in your shoulders, neck or back? Do you blame your workstation? Do you sometimes work from home and find it uncomfortable? Well here’s another question to ask, though you may think it unrelated: What is your overall posture like? Are you sporting good posture or something you’d rather not talk about? Thousands are spent each year on employee sit stand desks yet people still complain of stress they carry, try to relieve it with sit-stand desks, posture chairs, cushions, yoga, massage and the like. All to no avail. Listen for 15 minutes to posture lecturer and professional screener, as well as creater and producer of the Sporting Good Posture digital radio show, Frank Sardella, as he explains the research he did on over 50,000 people just like you and what your own person posture has to do with some of the workstation issues you’re having and how you can change it too! Tune in now!

How to Get Slow or Stuck Weight Loss Up to 88 MPH!

88 MPH in the Delorean of Ideal Weight and Wellness DURING the Fall and Winter Holiday!

NO FLUX CAPAICITOR REQUIRED, but you’re going to go back to the future of your ideal weight, in an alternate timeline of health where you reach your weight loss goals faster than ever, where weight loss kicks in immediately and where you lose weight before and during the Holidays, WAY BEFORE you ever get to New Year’s Day! No resolutions required, just 10 minutes to listen to the secret of how it’s been happening for so many several years in a row now, losing all the weight they imagined and more, reaching goals before New Year’s and cruisnig into next year with higher aspirations and way more choices! Want to join in? Listen in now!