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Your Workstation Doesn’t Cause the Stress You Carry

If Work Stress Doesn’t Actually Come From Work, Where Does It Come From?

Do you carry stress in your shoulders, neck or back? Do you blame your workstation? Do you sometimes work from home and find it uncomfortable? Well here’s another question to ask, though you may think it unrelated: What is your overall posture like? Are you sporting good posture or something you’d rather not talk about? Thousands are spent each year on employee sit stand desks yet people still complain of stress they carry, try to relieve it with sit-stand desks, posture chairs, cushions, yoga, massage and the like. All to no avail. Listen for 15 minutes to posture lecturer and professional screener, as well as creater and producer of the Sporting Good Posture digital radio show, Frank Sardella, as he explains the research he did on over 50,000 people just like you and what your own person posture has to do with some of the workstation issues you’re having and how you can change it too! Tune in now!