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Sporting Good Posture

Secret Weight Loss Blocker REVEALED!

The symptom that PROVES why you have trouble keeping weight off REVEALED!

The hidden problem has been a secret… until now!

This all-too-common issue isn’t itself the problem, but it shows where the real problem is. And you can find it yourself.

And your weight loss may be totally blocked otherwise unless you know this…

Tune in now to find out what it is and how you can, right this instant, detect it’s main symptom by looking in the mirror!

Investigative Wellness – Trace Amounts or Moderation of Poison Is Still Poison

Everything In Moderation Means Weight Loss or Wellness In Moderation at Best!

You’ve heard “there’s only trace amounts in it…” or “everything in moderation…” thrown around in everyday conversation.

But what if it’s a toxin, something the body is deathly allergic to? Wouldn’t even a trace amount be critical. Tell “everything in moderation” to a mom who’s child has a peanut allergy and lose a friend. Give a trace amount of bee venom to someone allergic to bees and…

You get the point!

Join Coach Marghella as he speaks with Jennifer Parses-Silvestro, Wellness and Nutrition Coach, who has direct experience with the adverse effects of “trace amounts” and “moderation” and find out how she was able to see through to what the real problems were behind toxicity, immune deficiency and illnesses of all kinds. Listen to her stories about her own children and how she got them into stellar health.

And finally, hear about the real reasons people find themselves in a difficult spot trying to lose weight!

Tune in for this EPIC episode now!

Follow and Hear More from Jennifer on Rumble

Jenn has videos and articles on her site “Jenn X Talks – Investigative Wellness”
Hit up Jenn’s blog here

Groundhog Sporting a Fit, Healthy Shadow, What Are YOU Sporting?

The Shadow You’re Sporting Tells More Than Just What You Look Like…

It’s Groundhog Day again, campers and Phil the groundhog definitely saw his shadow, but in the 6 weeks until Spring and, more accurately and importantly, spring break, what kind of shadow are you sporting?

Does your shadow coincide with the New Year’s resolutions you made? For most people it isn’t.

In this episode Coach will tell you WHY and what you should do to get around it! And how to get ready for Spring Break and Summer which is right around the corner after that!

Tune in now and lose…. I mean WIN!

Coach Confronts His Hijacker – Weight Loss Hijack After Party

Coach Talks Weight Loss and Wellness With the Man Who hijacked His Show!

Last episode, producer Frank Sardella hijacked the show. Now coach gets him in the interview chair for a ‘Hijack Episode After Party” where coach and Frank sit down and discuss the implications of what Frank went over and how it will effect your wellness and weight loss goals for 2021.

Join coach and frank as they discuss what you could be doing right now to change your game and get more in the game than you ever had or thought imaginable.

Tune in now!

PODCAST HIJACKED by My Producer In the Name of Weight Loss!

My Producer HIJACKED This Episode Without Telling Me Until He Released It… But It Turned Out BRILLIANT! (And Teaches You How to Lose Weight and Improve Posture Too!)

Without Coach Marghella knowing, his producer, Chiropractic and Wellness advocate, Frank Sardella, hijacked his podcast for 1 episode and held it hostage to let everyone know something about weight loss, immunity and wellness that no one took the time to tell them and the secret to mastering, harnessing, hacking and controlling all of them WAY BETTER than ever before.

Wait til Coach finds out! He’s gonna be FURIOUS, but only if you miss it. It actually turned out to be a MUST HEAR EPISODE!

Tune in now!

Weight Loss New Years Resolutions That Actually Stick

BREAKING NEWS: Breaking New Years Resolutions Before You Make Them Ends With 2020 If You Know This…

Ever break a New Years Resolution?

Ever dread January 1st?

Ever break your own record for breaking New Years resolutions?

Has 2020 made you break them before you make them?

If you even answered “maybe” or “possibly” to any of these, THIS is the episode for you. Coach Marghella may be a successful Chiropractor, but now he’s found a LONG TERM WEIGHT LOSS solution that Chiropractic itself has made possible and, not only is he bringing it to you, he’s doing it himself!

Join him as he shows you what you need to know and why New Years resolutions didn’t stick and why they actually should have if you know this ONE THING!

Tune in now!

How to Stay Well, Thin and Healthy Beyond the Pandemic Holidays

2020 Can Be a Tragedy Unless of Course You’ve Heard This 15-Minute Message

In December of 2019, Coach Marghella decided to get ahead of the game of getting in shape, losing weight and boosting his overall health, wellness and immune system. The result is he is wearing clothes from his closet he hasn’t worn in 3 years and he is in the best shape of his life.

Not only did he not get sick in 2020, he got even healthier than he was. All of this in a climate of worry about getting sick, proving that you can improve your odds against sickness by creating wellness. Find out how you can lose weight, eat more and be in the best shape of your life, all while sliding your immunity strength score more toward the positive and increasing your odds!

Tune in now!

2020 SO OVER! Got a Feeling ’21 Is Gonna Be a Good Year…

It’s so over but you can change your game for 20201… HONEST!

No, it’s not just a line sung in The Who’s rock opera “Tommy” with a catchy hook and melody, it’s finally 100 years after the last ’21 and, although you can say so much has changed, you could argue more has changed in the last 6 months than in these last 100.

Are you DONE with 2020? So am I. This has been quite a year. But we can look forward to learning form our experience this year and, in this episode, I reveal how to attack it and ht the ground running, not January the 1st, but NOW!

Here’s how to change your fitness, wellness, immunity and overall health game, no matter which game you’re playing. Tune in for some great advice to finish out this devastating year and how to start fresh with a new outlook and an entire new level of wellness too!

The answers are here. The coach is IN. So listen up!

Quit Wining and Get to Sleep!

Need Wine to Relax or Get to Sleep? Or a Couple? Here’s Why It’s Keeping You Up In the Long Run…

Wining is for dining, not sleeping! And if you’re needing a glass of wine to relax, this episode is for you! Join coach for vital information you didn’t know such as:

How is wine or alcohol making you LESS able to relax and not more?

What long term effects could this method if relaxation have?

What is the real source of inability to relax?

How is wine and alcohol potentially making you gain or retain weight?

How can you get to sleep so you can feel relaxed all the time?

All this and more in this episode. You’ll stop “wining” and start sleeping in this episode guaranteed to put you to sleep! For real!

Season 3, No Mercy, There Is NO Disease In This Dojo!

EPIC! Coach announces NO MERCY for Season 3 and that 2020-2021 Is Actually POSITIVE!

After a CRAZY end to Season 2 with the 2020 crises, and with Season 3 of Coach’s favorite show “Cobra Kai” (the Karate Kid story 30-some years later) imminent and an “any-day-now” scenario, he brings a bit of this dojo to his clinic and DEFINITELY to an exciting and informative third season to his show.

With more guests, more advice and greater urgency than ever before, listen as he takes you on a recap of last season, of 2020 and a killer positive outlook for the look back and look forward. The watchword is to emerge smarter and seeing the positive that happened as well as the most positive outlook going forward!

New season. New look. New resolve. NO MERCY!

Tune in now for this EPIC season opener!