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Category: Auto Accident

Can You Get Fat From a Car Accident?

‘Accidental Weight’ is when the weight gain and retention come from car accidents! (And it’s TOTALLY a thing!)

Can an auto accident or two (or seven!) make you fat? What do millions of car accidents have to do with millions spent on weight loss? What does pain have to do with inability to lose weight? Why does inflammation relate sometimes DIRECTLY to weight loss roller-coastering? Find out the answers to all of this and more as coach Frank even reveals a case study of such a case along with answers for you on how to undo it all and not only lose weight where you couldn’t before, but how to keep it off for good and start living out the life you’d always wanted! Tune in now!!!

Spinal Compression, Spacemen Show How to Be Immune

Astronauts have known a secret about compression, one factor you need to know!

Are you stressed and compressed? Carrying stress in your shoulders, neck or back? Have non-chronic pain in those areas? Or maybe something worse like an injury?

You’ll want to hear this!

It just may be this single factor in your environment no one realizes is working against them, compressing you downward with pressure you can’t lift.

THAT is what Coach Frank reveals in today’s episode! You absolutely need to know this one factor.

But, if you can’t fight back against it, why even bother? Because knowing it, you open the door to space-age technology, literally based on a concept that keeps astronauts and spacemen even coming home slightly taller after their trip to the stars, and certainly feeling better physically than before they left. Can we bring that down to Earth for everyone though?

Why should astronauts get all the benefits? Don’t you deserve some too? Well, listen to this episode and find out the exact way you can take control of the situation. Learn the one factor that’s working against you and how to work around it! Tune in now!

Car Accidents, Even Minor and their Effects Later in Life

Even if you’ve been in a minor fender bender and it was years ago, you need to know this!

Almost 100 episodes and Coach never did one on car accidents! This is the one and in just 12 short minutes, he covers it all!

After covering his “Smikey and the Bandit” car situation, where doing a 180 with no car controls left him with whiplash, it left the rest of us with questions:

What effects can even a minor car accident have on you?
Why does “no more pain” not exempt you from later problems?
What effects can accidents have in later years?
Why is even a 5 mph accident significant?
How do sports injuries mimic auto accidents?
How can you change your game and escape these effects?

Get answers to all of this and more in just 12 minutes of explanation. Surely an episode you’ll listen to again and again, but also share with friends too! Find out how to live pain-free for years to come! Tune in now!

Coach Frank’s ‘Smokey & the Bandit’ Car Incident Story

Coach free-wheels car backward down a steep hill, no power, does a 180, lives to tell about it!

Have you ever run your car past when the gas empty warning light comes on?

Coach Frank did last week and ended up in something of a Smokey & the Bandit story.

It’s funny in retrospect, especially because no one was hurt… well, except for Coach with a little soreness and whiplash. But the story is hilarious as he tells it.

Join Coach Frank and his producer (also Frank) as they discuss the hilarity of it all and what the takeaway lessons were. Listen now!