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Sporting Good Posture

Undoing Pain, Meds, Opioids with Laser, Decompression (feat. Dr Emanuel Vito)

Addictive opioid drugs kind of manipulate your body into thinking it’s in more pain unless you know this…

What do pain, medications and addictive opioid drugs have in common? Not solving any health problems for good, that’s for sure. Doomed to “live with” their problems and try to cope, those who have become dependent on such meds are suffering. But, if you’re in pain, are you headed for that future? You might now think so but it’s a slippery slope into it if you don’t know what’s revealed in this pivotal episode. Join Coach Frank as he interviews fellow Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr Emanuel Vito from Scranton PA, a specialist in the downsides of opioid addiction as well as alternative treatments which are developed for a longer term result. Hear about what the difference is and how it can not only often help people recover, but avoid the dangerous drug route in the first place. Tune in now!

Body Builder Doc Talks Weight Loss, Wellness and Posture Too

From Almost Dying, Hit By a Baseball to Champion Body Builder, Chiropractor and Weight Loss Expert

What can a body builder tell you about your own personal weight struggles? Find out today in this pivotal episode. Join Coach Frank as he interviews one of his best buddies from Chiropractic school, a fellow, in-practice Chiropractor who is also a champion Body Builder, and former athlete having had the opportunity to play with the Yankees. Learn his ups and downs and how a baseball injury almost killed him but taught him a lesson he is sharing with you now, one that changed his life, made him a champ and one hell of a doctor, and a lesson that he teaches all his patients. And yes, he has advice for you too on your wellness and even weight loss or fitness journey. Listen to him talk with doctor frank. This episode will make you wonder “is he talking directly to me?” for sure! Tune in now!!!

EXPOSED! Secret Pain Freedom and Body Fitness Fundamentals

SECRET REVEALED FINALLY! You’re pain and weight solutions are closer than you think and literally under your nose!

In pain even a little? Overweight? Hard to handle either one? That’s because you don’t know this one thing that Coach Frank covers in here and a secret that doctors know that you can know too. IN this episode, Dr Frank spills all the details and they are things right under your nose that you can check for, right now, DURING this episode. By the end? You’ll know exactly what to do and find the resolution you’ve been looking for to crush the best wellness, health and weight year ever! Tune in and listen now!

NBA Coach Talks Golf, Yoga, Injury Prevention and Stretching for Top Performance

What can an NBA coach tell you about performing your best at everything you do? Well, how about this one gem…

Join me as I interview Dean Cooper, former coach with several NBA teams and now NCAA coach in Texas as he discusses the new age of top performance in ANY sport, including golf and use of entire teams of professionals and mixes of disciplines to not only be in top-performance shape, but to prevent injury and recover way faster when they do happen. The best way to prevent injury is not to avoid it but to not be predisposed to it and Coach Cooper tells you how the pros do it and how you can apply it in everyday life, even if your game IS just everyday life! Tune in now for this epic interview and learn. You may be bound for injury unless you know this…

Chipmunk Speaks About His Holiday Weight Loss!

The Holiday (Sort-Of) Chipmunk That Lost Weight and Inspired Humans to Same Result!

You know the time of year where you hear singing chipmunks? Well, have you ever heard of one speaking on a podcast? Have you heard of one losing weight, DURING the Holiday and winter season? Well, if you tune in now you’re about to with this special Holiday message and a tell-all story of not only HIS weight loss but that of dozens of humans too under the guidance of Coach Frank, advice given which got them to lose their weight BEFORE New Year’s and DURING Holiday festivities. So, listen in because this Chipmunk (who kind of hijacked the show) is gonna give you a free gift for this Holiday you won’t want to send back! Tune in and get yours!

No-Fail Holiday Weight Loss DURING the Holidays?

Why wait to fail at weight loss after the Holidays when you can succeed DURINg them??!!!

What up sports fans, are you tired of sporting extra pounds when the holidays are over?

Have you had it up to here with trying to lose them?
Have you been there done that with the downhill slide of your eating between Halloween and New Years?
Is it getting harder to lose it every year?
If you’re like me, you aren’t a breaker of resolutions and, you have pretty good willpower when it comes to something you really want, but when it comes to getting fit, in shape or losing inches or weight, there’s an exception to the rule.
Well it”s about time we did something about it, wouldn’t you agree?
Holiday gifts can be exchanged instantly, but getting out of shape took months and it’s one gift you can’t return.
But, did you know excess fat and stubborn weight are gifts you CAN avoid getting in the first place.
What if I told you there are subtle changes you can make that will leave you with little or no weight to lose and get you ahead of the game?
What if you knew the one thing keeping you gaining throughout the season, forcing you into resolution-making after they’re over and braking them only a few weeks later?
Don’t you think you’d have a better holiday season? Wouldn’t it be great to spend your resolutions on something you really want for a change?
Well that resolution is about to come true and I’m about to bring it as I help you ring in the new year healthy and fit in this new year in this episode of sporting good posture.
So, get ready to light up the holidays and skip to where your resolutions work, before you make them!

Weight Loss That Stays Lost, ChiroThin Program Founder Tells All

The secret that keeps people from losing weight is finally REVEALED by this innovator…

Why does weight come back when you lose it? Why won’t it come off when you want it to? Can you even ever control it? Why do other people seem to be in control while you struggle? Listen to Coach as he interviews the man who SOLVED WEIGHT LOSS and broke through. Now anyone can do it. Even you! Sit down, dial in and get ready to be astounded! You’re about to learn how to change your weight loss game to win, TODAY! Tune in now!

Secret to Golf, Tennis, Fitness All-Season Balance

How to reach your full athletic potential become a champion at YOUR game!

Champion athletic potential. It’s hard-wired into ALL of our blueprints, not just for top, champion athletes! We’re all designed to be champs according to Mother Nature’s design! Whether golf, tennis, other sports, fitness or just life, you have true athletic design by nature. But if that’s true, how come only some seem to tap into while others have to live with a mediocre or less-than-desirable level of physicality and athleticism? Why can’t you seem to tap this killer potential that’s innately yours by the very blueprint that governs your function? Join Coach as he interviews Rocky Snyder, a friend of Chiropractic and top author and athletic trainer who has not only brought people back from injuries, but gotten them into and to the top of their collective games, even making champions out of average or weekend-warrior-type athletes. Find out what you can do right now to change your game, even if it’s just the game of getting through life! Tune in now!

How to Get Youth Recruited Onto a College Dream Team

Youth Sports Recruiters Turn Their Sights to Nashville…

Want to know the most downloaded and listened-to episode of SGP ever? Us too! It was the guys from Recruit Reels, WAY back in season 1 and their advice on how to get recruited. IN the wake of the 2020 pandemic fiasco, youth sports took a hit but these guys kept athlete recruitment going string. Now, in this new climate and age, with all the changes in recruitment, not only have they rolled with them, they’ve dynamically pressed forward to push athletes toward their dream recruitment situation and are helping young athletes like never before! Join coach Frank as he interviews Jacob Cleaver from Recruit Reels and gets the 411 on what it takes to get recruited and how to make getting young athletes recruited simple and effective! Tune in now!

SEASON 4 KICKOFF: Work from Office or Home Hurts, Unless You Know This

Ergonomics at your workspace are in ‘inside job’!

Why does it hurt so much to sit at a desk all day? Why is it so fatiguing for jobs that require you to be on your feet? Why do you carry so much stress in your neck, shoulders and back? Did you know you’re not supposed to? Join Coach as he interviews Dr Romina Ghassemi, LA Chiropractor and posture-at-work innovator who has case studies and science based testing with ACTUAL RESULTS getting employees to work more comfortably and productively, measurably by statistics, all by doing this one thing on their own! Tune in now and find out how to make your job EASIER!