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Month: July 2024

Secret of How to Lose Retained Weight, Fast and Permanently

What if you could not only lose weight permanently, but see the results in minutes?

What up sports fitness and rapid permanent weight loss fans? Coach Frank here in the studio with some VERY exciting news! You may have heard about the… “miracles” patients we have been mentioning these last three years, where they lost the weight between end of summer and the end of the year DURING the most difficult time of year to do it. AND, that they’ve kept it off ever since. Word got out about the 3 Secrets that made this possible and an increasing flood of people have been flowing in off the streets to take full advantage Doesn’t get any better than that, right?Wrong! It DOES get better because of some new technology that helps people rapidly reduce fat in MORE body areas in less time and even reaches their most trouble areas too. Wanna learn about what that is and how you can implement this into your OWN routine and the three secrets that make it possible? Well, get off the scale and turn off the treadmill, because you’re going to need to sit down to hear this… I’m going to reveal a secret to you that gives you INSTANT willpower to stick to a weight loss plan that will give you permanent results with no urge to quit because the results you’ll see INSTANTLY from doing this one thing. Wanna know all about it? Well, tune in now, because you’re about to get in on the secret, right here, right now!

Your Desk Doesn’t Cause Stress You Carry, But This Does…

Everyone thinks it’s their desk, chair or at-home spaces causing the stress they carry, until they find out that it’s really this other thing…

Do. you think your desk can cause that stress you carry? Think again… It doesn’t. Do you work? Does your workspace seem to cause the stress you carry in your neck, shoulders and back? Is your body suffering because “workstation syndrome” or “desk disorder” are real things? Well, if they were, wouldn’t every person who ever worked have the same symptoms you do?  Truthfully, the majority of people who work DON”T have these symptoms. So they must come from someplace else. A source so sinister, hidden and secret that it escapes your detection. But you have ONE GLARING SYMPTOM that puts the real source right in front of you, totally noticeable and obvious that you would never suspect it. Get ready to find out what that is and how to handle it. Join posture and ergonomics lecturer and screening expert Frank Sardella, creator and producer of the Sporting Good Posture digital radio talk show, as he guides you through the real problem, and not only reveals the real source but guides you on detecting the signs on yourself DURING THE EPISODE. This is an episode like no other for anyone who works from an office or home, and especially anyone who manages those who do. Tune in now and learn what you can do to drop that stress you carry at its source and start operating with the ideal function Nature intended by the very blueprint from which your body was designed! Press play, listen and learn how, right now!