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Month: June 2024

Cookie Cutter Diets Fail, But This Works Permanently

The reason cookie-cutter diets fail is the solution to your weight problems. Learn how in just 15 minutes!

Every wonder why your friend lost weight and you copied their plan but it didn’t work? Puzzled why some people can lose weight easily while you struggle for every pound? Frustrated by slow or no weight loss? Have you lost weight but always put even more of it back on? Ever quit dieting because you didn’t see the results and it was taking too long? Well, It’s not you! Actually, you’ve been experiencing the “Cookie-Cutter Diet Effect” and cookie-cutter diets don’t work! In this episode, I am going to school you, in 15 minutes time, on what is wrong with cookie-cutter diet plans, why they don’t work and why your body actually gains, retains, loses and regains weight and what you can do to permanently lose the weight, feel better and maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your ife. Can you think of anything better to do with the next 15 minutes of your life? Tune in now and learn the secret I reveal in full in thiis pivotal episoide and escape the cookie-cutter, failure-bound diet roller coaster, while you lern how to get the body you always knew was possible that didn’t know how to get!